Monday, April 6, 2009

The Next Great Thing

My Finals' pick is Cleveland over San Antonio in 6 games. With it, we will usher in the LeBron James era. Finally, at long last, the torch will be passed - passed to a player who draws comparisons to Oscar Robertson. The King shall soon take his thrown. So why am I not excited?

LeBron James is a once-a-generation athlete. He's a mature 24 year old who has learned how to give his best effort night in and night out. Unfortunately, everything else about this story is just plain dull. Other than Anderson Varejao there's not one other player on this team who's remotely interesting. Mike Brown is a non-story. Could 2 out of 10 people even point Cleveland out on a map?

Did you happen to see the game on ABC this past Sunday? It featured the Finals match up I predict. This is worse than Detroit - San Antonio was in 2005. Why am I ranting about this? The pending change highlights the fact that LeBron James is destined to change teams. He prefers to give Cleveland a trophy as a consolation prize, but there is no doubt he will leave when his contract is up. The star machine that is the NBA will not allow the greatest player of his generation to toil away his career in insignificant Cleveland (sorry Cleveland). This thing is bigger than LBJ. It's bigger than Cleveland. This is about carrying the baton. This is about becoming a global icon. LeBron has to be leveraged in a place that draws attention for other reasons so that his market expands exponentially. Will James Dolan still be the worst owner in the League when he's got it's future on his payroll?

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