Saturday, May 30, 2009

Like I Said

Lakers in 6.

The more intriguing question is: what's going to happen in the East. I'm a say this. Orlando can not (repeat, can not!), afford to lose tonight. At this very moment I think it's even odds that a) Orlando wraps up this series tonight b) they lose both games and join Dallas in the lineup of all-time, infamous playoff choke jobs. I really don't see an in-between. If they lose tonight, then the series resets to one game, winner-take-all in Cleveland. LeBron will win that game. Van Gundy will panic. All the pressure will be back on Orlando. And the whole choking under pressure thing is already out there. I don't see Orlando (who relies on 3's) going back to Cleveland and taking one, even if they are the better team. For them, everything is about tonight.

A Lakers-Orlando series could be interesting, but a LA-Cavs Finals after the drama of Cleveland coming back from 1-3 would be generational. I think I'd tape every game. I think I'd make Demetrius sit on my lap just so he could say he saw it.

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